Help with Yorkshire’s Canal Boat Registration Database

Help with the Canal Boat Registration database

Once you have clicked on the link to open the database you should see a report screen looking very much like this:

Scroll up and down the report and if an entry catches your eye, just click on that line and you will see a detail screen looking very much like this:

At the top left of that screen the blue <> allows you to browse through the records. The X at the top right takes you out of detail view.

You’ll have spotted the magnifying glass at the top right hand corner of the report screen. Press that and you will be able to construct your own searches:

Perhaps keep it simple to begin with. Try searching for keels named Hannah. Click the box next to Vessel Name and then key in Hannah. Click on the underlined Hannah which appears, confirming that’s what you want in your search.

Once you have pressed SEARCH at the bottom of the enquiry screen you will see all the registration entries for keels with Hannah in their name.

To see more detail for any entry just click on that line in the report as described earlier.

If you’re now ready to give it a go press the button: