Expression of interest

How you can get involved

Support us...

At the Society AGM in April 2022 it was resolved that in future there would be no fixed  charge for membership of the Society. To become a member you only need to let us know who you are and give us your email address so that we can add you to the distribution list for our regular newsletters.  As the result of this decision the Yorkshire Waterways Heritage Society will be dependent on grants and donations to fund this website, our heritage research and educational  activities. Thankfully our overheads are carefully managed. We have no salaried staff, buildings or business expenses to worry us. Every penny that we raise will go to support our heritage activities. Everything we do will contribute towards creating a permanent memorial to Yorkshire’s watermen, those men and their families who did such physically hard often dangerous work moving cargoes like corn, coal and timber between the industrial hinterland of Yorkshire and the ports of Goole and Hull.

Become a Member

For 2023 there is no charge for membership of the Society. You will be sent our regular email newsletter telling you what's new and coming soon. To register simply fill in the form below and click Sign up today!

Flotilla expression of interest

Our Volunteer Projects

Research has shown that there is a positive relationship between interacting with heritage and improving wellbeing. Our projects provide just such an opportunity for volunteers to get involved.

Historic Photograph Collection

This Society is building a collection of historic images of the people, places and vessels once found on the canals and rivers of Yorkshire. Click to see how you can get involved.

Volunteer Brian Masterman Collection

Since early 2021 members of this Society have been engaged in sorting, cataloguing and archiving the extensive collection of Old Goole historian, the late Brian Masterman. Click to find out more.

Community History Project needs Volunteers

Our members’ experience with the defunct Yorkshire Waterways Museum in Goole is a stark reminder to us all that if we are not careful the results of painstaking research conducted over many years can suddenly be lost.

Our Events

Take a look at where you can find us at all of our upcoming events


Your help and donations in keeping the Society, its research and this website running are much appreciated!