Video Library landing page

Video Library

Film and video recordings

from Yorkshire's Waterways

This Society is building a collection of film and video recordings containing interesting content regarding the people, places and vessels once found on the canals and rivers of Yorkshire.  Some of these recordings have been loaned by enthusiasts who want to preserve and publish material about the heritage of an industry which once underpinned the industrial success of the county but today has all but disappeared. We have had them professionally digitised and then returned the originals to their owners.

Other recordings included here have been made available on YouTube by the copyright holders for viewing and sharing only. They have not been downloaded to this website. The terms under which a video clip is being offered to you are made clear with each clip.

Our collection of videos relating to Yorkshire’s waterways may be accessed by choosing a topic below and clicking the button: 

Boat and Ship Building 

Alongside Yorkshire’s waterways there were a surprising number of boat and ship builders. The depth of water available for launch constrained the size of the craft built but keels were being built as far inland as Apperley Bridge. Sea going vessels were built at Beverley, Hull, Hessle, Knottingley, Goole, Selby and Thorne. Shipbuilding has disappeared from the waterways leaving little trace but these documents remind us of the days when Yorkshire did have an important shipbuilding industry.

 Publication permission for copyright images

We acknowledge that copyright images are being shown for which no explicit permission to publish has been given to this Society. Many of the digital images shown had originally been produced with the knowledge and permission of the now defunct Yorkshire Waterways Museum from original photographs deposited there for public display.  Following the closure of that organisation in 2019 and the break up of their collection those original photographs have disappeared and have effectively been lost to the public.

Through an incredible stroke of good fortune digital copies of those images were donated to this Society in 2022 allowing our volunteers to finally achieve the wishes of those photographers and collectors who had made the original donations.

If you are the copyright holder and would like to contact the Society please use the form below.


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